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Our Coordinators
Glimpses Of Coding Craft
Coding Craft
Show your web designing skills by building a website on a specific topic
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Organized By-
Institute of Engineering & Technology
On 28th March 2024
2PM Onwards
Venue: LAB No. 204
Solo Activity
Participants need to design a 2+ pages website based on the competition topic.
Students have to design a website on specified topics and present it to the judges.
Decision of the judges will be final.
First page must be your homepage
Use of internet is strictly prohibited.
Also, it is recommended to Bring your own laptop (As possible).
Faculty Coordinators
Ms. Namrata
Ms. Kirti
Ms. Neha
Student Coordinators
Piyush Pandey(B.Tech) 9518452270
Yash Saini(BCA) 8273638500
Lokesh(BCA) 8376000546